Conditions d'Utilisation

General conditions of guarantee and after-sales service


This After-Sales Policy consists of the following:

Part I - General Conditions

Part II - Specific conditions by country / region

Part III - Types of after-sales services

Part I - General Conditions

SIMPLEWATER's After-Sales Policy applies only to SIMPLEWATER products that you have purchased for your own use and not for resale.


What the Policy covers:

SIMPLEWATER warrants that each SIMPLEWATER product you purchase is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use of industrial sewing machines and during the warranty period. The warranty period for the product begins on the original date of purchase as indicated on your receipt or invoice or as specified by SIMPLEWATER. The warranty period and the types of after-sales service that apply to your Product are listed in "Part III - Types of Service" below.


How to benefit from the after-sales service:

If the Product does not work as guaranteed during the warranty period, you can benefit from the after-sales service by contacting SIMPLEWATER.

After-sales service may not be available everywhere and may differ from place to place. Rates may apply outside of SIMPLEWATER's normal service area. Please contact SIMPLEWATER to find out more about the region where you are located.


What to do before benefiting from after-sales services:

Before you benefit from after-sales services, you must follow the following steps:

√ Follow the procedures specified by SIMPLEWATER.

√ Note any anomalies, information contained and errors given by the Product.

√ Provide all system passwords contained in SIMPLEWATER products, if applicable.

√ remove all items, parts, options, alterations and additions that are not covered by the warranty.

√ SIMPLEWATERe sure that the Product or Component is free from any legal restrictions that prevent its replacement.

√ If you do not own a product or component, obtain owner's permission for SIMPLEWATER to provide warranty service.


What actions will SIMPLEWATER undertake:

When you contact SIMPLEWATER, you must specify the problem.

SIMPLEWATER will attempt to diagnose and solve your problem by telephone, e-mail or remote assistance. SIMPLEWATER may ask you to download and install the designated software updates.

If your problem can not be resolved over the phone or through the software update application, SIMPLEWATER may ask you to send the Product for further review. SIMPLEWATER will take care of the service under the type of warranty mentioned for the product under "Part III - Types of Customer Service" below, provided that the problem of your Product is covered by this Service Policy. If this is not the case, you will need a paid repair service.

Replacement of Products and Parts:

When after-sales service involves the replacement of a Product or Part, the replaced product or part becomes the property of SIMPLEWATER and the Product or Replacement Part becomes your property. Only unmodified SIMPLEWATER Products and Parts can be replaced.

The Product or Replacement Part supplied by SIMPLEWATER may not be new, but it will be in good working order and at least equivalent to the Product or Original Part in terms of operation. The Product or Replacement Part is under warranty for the remainder of the warranty period of the original product. The Product or Spare Part may contain different serial numbers.


Use of personal details

If you obtain a service under this policy, you authorize SIMPLEWATER to register, use and process your contact information, including name, phone numbers, address and e-mail address. SIMPLEWATER may need to use this information to perform a service under this Policy. We may contact you to inquire about your satisfaction with our service or to keep you informed in the event of any product recall or security issue. To do so, you authorize SIMPLEWATER to transfer your information to any country where we do business and to provide it to the entities acting on our behalf. We may also disclose it when required by law. The SIMPLEWATER Privacy Policy is available at


Exclusions from this After Sales Policy

This Policy does not cover the following:

× Any use of the motor resulting in excessive torque, shock or friction that has caused motor overheating and other non-manufacturing factors, including but not limited to mounting errors.

× Damage caused by improper installation, use, or operation not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.

× Damage caused by an unauthorized service provider.

× Damage caused by unauthorized circuit modification, improper use of non-compatible power sources.

× Damage caused by system exposure in a bad environment (outdoor, humidity, dust etc.).

× Damage caused by the use of the Product in an electromagnetic interference environment.

× Damage caused by the use of the Product on a machine for which the recommended power is greater than the power of the product.

× Any loss or damage caused by the product.

× Any software program, supplied with the Product or installed later.

× Any technical or other support, such as assistance with "how-to" questions and those related to product configuration and installation.

× Any Product or Part with a modified identification tag or an identification tag that has been removed.

× Any defect due to bad packaging when SIMPLEWATER product is sent by a third party other than SIMPLEWATER

Limitation of liability

SIMPLEWATER is liable for loss or damage to your Product only when SIMPLEWATER is in possession of the Product or while in transit, provided that SIMPLEWATER is responsible for the transportation.

SIMPLEWATER is NOT responsible for the loss or disclosure of any data, including confidential, proprietary or personal information contained in a product.

Under no circumstances and without prejudice to any essential purpose of any limited remedy provided herein, SIMPLEWATER, its affiliates, suppliers, resellers or service providers will be liable for anything follows even if they are informed of their eventuality and whether or not the complaint is based on the contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability or any other theory of liability: 1) third party claims against you for any damages ; 2) the loss, damage or disclosure of your data; (3) special, incidental, punitive, indirect or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business income, property or anticipated savings. In no event shall the total liability of SIMPLEWATER, its affiliates, suppliers, resellers or service providers for damages of any cause, exceed the amount of actual direct damages or the amount paid for the Product.

The above limitation does not apply to bodily injury (including death), damage to real property or tangible personal property for which SIMPLEWATER is liable under the law.

Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.


Your other rights

This Policy gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights under the applicable laws of your state or jurisdiction. You may also have other rights under a written agreement with SIMPLEWATER. Nothing in this Policy affects your statutory rights, including the rights of consumers under the laws or regulations governing the sale of consumer products that can not be waived or limited by agreement.


Part II - Specific conditions for each country

European Economic Area (EEA)

Guarantee obligation for the EEA




150, rue Claude BALBASTRE

Lot n° 20

34070 Montpellier


RCS Montpellier 894413541


The following text is added to Part I:

Additional legal rights for consumers


For consumers who are protected by consumer protection laws or regulations in their country of purchase or, as the case may be, in their country of residence, the benefits conferred by SIMPLEWATER's After-Sales Policy are added to all rights and remedies arising from these consumer protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to, these additional rights.


Under European consumer law, consumers are entitled to free repair or replacement by the seller of defective goods or goods that are not in accordance with the sales contract. In addition, the consumer may demand an appropriate reduction of the price or cancel the contract if the consumer is not entitled to a repair or a replacement, if the seller has not completed the application within a reasonable time, if he has completed the repair without significant improvement for the consumer or if he has not refunded the defective goods or the goods that are not in conformity with the sales contract. However, the consumer does not have the right to cancel the contract if the lack of conformity is minor.


For more information on the laws on consumption and the particularities of the country of purchase or, if applicable, your country of residence, please consult the website of the European Consumer Center at the following address: http: / /


EEA customers can contact SIMPLEWATER at the address mentioned above.

Period of guarantee

12 months from the billing date.

Part III - Types of after-sales services

You can request a return and refund service:

√ Within seven (7) calendar days from the warranty period if the Product has no manufacturing defect, has not been activated and is still in new or new condition.

√ Within seven (7) calendar days from the warranty period if the Product is defective in workmanship.

Return and Refund Service will not be provided when:

× It is requested beyond seven (7) calendar days from the warranty period.

× The Product sent to SIMPLEWATER for a return and refund service does not include all original accessories, attachments or packaging, or when an item is not new or new, that is, say with cracks, bumps or scratches.

× Proofs of purchase, receipts or invoices are not provided or are reasonably considered to be falsified.

× Any defect or damage to the Product caused by unauthorized use or modification of the Product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign matter (water, oil, sand, etc.) or improper installation or operation.

× Any defects or damage to the Product caused by handling or packaging errors

× Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, false sealing marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.

× Any external damage to the Product caused by external factors

× The Product concerned is not delivered to SIMPLEWATER within seven (7) calendar days of SIMPLEWATER's return and refund confirmation being sent.

× Any other circumstances set out in this Policy.

You can request a replacement service:

√ Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the warranty period if the Product has suffered substantial damage during transport made by SIMPLEWATER.

√ Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the warranty period if the Product does not match the original product description on one or more significant points.

√ Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the warranty period if the Product suffers a malfunction.

Replacement service will not be provided when:

× It is requested beyond fifteen (15) calendar days from the warranty period.

× Proofs of purchase, receipts or invoices are not provided or are reasonably considered to be falsified or falsified.

× The Product sent to SIMPLEWATER for replacement does not include all accessories, attachments and original packaging, or contains items damaged by user error.

× The Product does not exhibit any performance failure after proper testing by SIMPLEWATER.

× Any defect or damage to the Product has been caused by the unauthorized use or modification of the Product, including exposure to moisture, ingress of foreign matter (water, oil, sand, etc.) or a bad installation or operation.

× Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, false sealing marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.

× Any damage is caused by external factors beyond control, including fire, floods, high winds, and lightning.

× The Replacement Product is not delivered to SIMPLEWATER within seven (7) calendar days of SIMPLEWATER's confirmation of replacement.

× Any other circumstances set out in this Policy.

Warranty Service

If the main parts of the Product malfunction, you can request a warranty repair service within the corresponding warranty period.

You can request a warranty repair service:

√ The product has not been subjected to abnormal use, contrary to that provided by the manufacturer.

√ The product has not been dismantled.

√ Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, etc. show no signs of tampering or alteration.

√ You submit a valid proof of purchase, receipt or order number.

Warranty repair service will not be provided when:

× The twelve (12) month warranty period expires.

× Proofs of purchase or receipts or invoices are not provided or are reasonably suspected to have been falsified.

× The Product sent to SIMPLEWATER for replacement does not include all accessories, attachments and original packaging, or contains items damaged by user error.

× The Product has no performance defect after the appropriate tests performed by SIMPLEWATER.

× Any defect or damage to the Product has been caused by unauthorized use or modification of the Product, including exposure to moisture, ingress of foreign matter (water, oil, sand, etc.). ) or improper installation or operation.

× Product labels, serial numbers, waterproof marks, false sealing marks, etc. show signs of tampering or alteration.

× Any damage is caused by external factors beyond control, including fire, floods, high winds, and lightning.

× Any other circumstances set out in this Policy.

Essential information

√ You are responsible for shipping charges when sending a product (s) for return, repair or replacement.

√ SIMPLEWATER will review the Product (s) returned to identify the problem. If the problem is within SIMPLEWATER's After Sales Policy, SIMPLEWATER will cover the cost of repairing and returning the Product.

√ If SIMPLEWATER determines that the problem is not covered by SIMPLEWATER's After Sales Policy, you will SIMPLEWATERe a request for a repair service paid for by the customer. SIMPLEWATER will only start repairing after receiving your agreement with the cost of the repair. If you do not agree with the cost of the repair, SIMPLEWATER will return the Product (s) at your expense.

√The costs that are at your expense must be paid before returning the equipment.

√ Please note that the data analysis service will not be provided after the expiration of the warranty.

√ All types of SIMPLEWATER after-sales services are performed only in the designated SIMPLEWATER Repair Center in the country or region where you purchased your Product. However, SIMPLEWATER may, in its sole discretion, provide you with inter-region after-sales service for an additional cost.

√ If you are purchasing the SIMPLEWATER product in Canada, the United States or Mexico, please note that SIMPLEWATER products purchased after August 1, 2016 are only covered by the warranty if purchased from SIMPLEWATER authorized dealers.

√ If a customer located in Region A wants to send his products to a SIMPLEWATER Service Center in Region B without informing SIMPLEWATER, customs duties, customs clearance fees and other charges must be covered by the customer.

√ If the unit is damaged by water, its performance may be significantly affected and the unit will not be repairable. Therefore, if the product is sent for repair, it will be replaced instead.

√ Before sending your product for repair, please remove any added item. SIMPLEWATER is not liable for damage or loss of added items.

√ To guarantee your rights, please check that your product is intact (check that the product has not been damaged during transport) at the time of receipt. If the product is defective, please notify us within seven (7) days after receipt. If no declaration is made, the product will be considered intact and fully functional.


For more information on SIMPLEWATER's After Sales Policy and Customer Paid Repair Service, please visit

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